The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

So This Is…

Dear O'H dear,

Merry Christmas!

I love Christmas but my favourite parts of the day are first thing In the morning, watching everyone open presents and then the last few hours of the evening.

This morning’s main event was everyone watching Lil Dude opening his presents to a chorus of ‘Awwwww’. The excitement of a digger backpack and a new digger meant he was in digger heaven!

Albert, The Duke, Mary Doll, Victor & Bella all came for Christmas dinner. I was slightly surprised (as I was eating) when Bella jumped up on my knee, stole a Brussels sprout, ran away and ate it! Especially as there was still Turkey on the plate. I’ve always said it’s overrated!

Terry arrived later in the evening and Telestrations was the game of choice for the second year in a row. Mary Doll (who was unusually sober this year) cheated ridiculously (again) by telling Terry exactly what her insane drawings were. EVERY ROUND!

But when everyone left, it was just us - The Prince, The Mini Princesses, Terry, LTJ and me (with Lil Dude asleep in bed). We sat up until 2:30 am chatting and laughing. I went to bed slightly squiffy and feeling very lucky to have us.


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