
Storm Gerrit raged during the night lots of rain here and snow further north. We had lots of water come in the usual when it’s an easterly rain and wind event. We’ve had four different people come and see where this water is coming from and no one knows!

Finished the jigsaw - forgot how much I enjoy it. We need to get another and I am sure the library does jigsaw swaps.

I had my eye test in the afternoon . Eyes have deteriorated a bit so here is another aspect of aging. Cataracts! They aren’t bad as in need something done immediately but they have started. As Jennifer says who did my eyes, there is no straight path they follow it can get worse suddenly or just slowly get worse. It’s not bad that a stronger prescription won’t fix and my right eye in now -9! Gawd! I paid the £10 quid for the extra test and she then showed me the scan from the back of my eye and explained the lines.

I also have dry eye too which I have been treating with the heat mask and drops but I now have gel for night time and also the 10 min heat mask morning too. Central heating doesn’t help the dry eye :(

Home and some crochet and Yellowstone.

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