Saffy Day

A lazy morning till we picked up Saffy at 11am and walked into town with her. This street is round the corner from us and has a great view over to Kinnoull Hill and the Friarton Bridge. Also the prison building in the town.

Saffy has torn her ear in barbed wire fence but seems none the worse. We were going to the library to see their jigsaw loan scheme but they were shut. They have two dog friendly days a week which is good .

We went into Waterstones and got another jigsaw this time a 1k one which will test us more.

Walked over to our butcher and checked that we would have plenty time for the steak pie for New Year’s Day getting it on Friday and it was fine.

Walked home view the gang’s house to pick up some food Laura wasn’t using. We never dispose of any food we rather eat or freeze and we often get the ones they don’t freeze.

Home and started to learn the board game Azul which is being played at a games night I am going to. I don’t want to go not knowing the rules!

Caught up with a couple of episodes of Yellowstone. Really enjoying it now I know all the characters!

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