
By Photogen

Raised Bed

A 'raised bed' used to mean to me a 'top bunk'. Now it means a way of gardening where the growing medium is raised above the surrounding ground and enclosed in a wooden frame.

Today I've been helping my daughter prepare a raised bed for planting. She recently moved to a new-build and the sheltered back garden faces south so is perfect for summer growth. We started with a base of well-rotted compost transported from my compost heap. This was covered with bagged multi-purpose compost from the garden centre. Although it is only about a square metre it took seven 60 litre bags!

It is a great way to make a small garden more productive without having to go down the route of working on a poor soil for years to make it fertile. The plan is to grow chives and parsley, courgettes, lettuce and kale - just enough to provide fresh greens in season. There's nothing nicer than being able to access these at your own back door.

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