
By Groggster

A Lull In Proceedings

There's something slightly strange about this time of year - it's neither quite the end of the year nor the start of a new one. It's that in between time that feels like the world has stopped to take a breath before everything starts up again (this may well not apply to any of you that have already had to return to work - you have my upmost sympathies!).
My images over the last few days have felt almost frenetic so today I thought I would go with something which can be perceived as much simpler and calmer so I've restricted my shots to just those with as few elements as possible.
Both images were taken on a slow limping Boxing Day stroll, almost entirely on my part due to yesterday's foot injury, around the Rosary Walk at The Friars (our local Carmelite Priory). My brother, still feeling the energy sapping effects of Covid bless him and socially distanced, generously adapted to what must have been my annoyingly laggardly pace.
The main image is of one of the pair of little shutters that protect the ceramic religious icons, that are placed at regular intervals around the Rosary Walk, from the vagaries of winter upon which someone has placed these two plastic flowers. I just loved how the red and white of the flowers stood out against the charcoal blackness of the shutters.
The extra is a leaf that I spotted beneath my feet at the end of our trundle - it was just the lines, shapes, copper colouring and simplicity of the composition that appealed to me.

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