Storm Whatsisface!

Busy day starting with going down town, on my bike, to register Betty's death with the Registrar. We also have the twins to ourselves for a few days while Julia goes to Budapest for a winter holiday.
Ref the title; I get name blindness now with all of the storms we are having and them all having different names! I suppose it makes it easier for the meteorologists when referring back to particular storms.
However, this one has been particularly vicious with it's high winds, hence the shattered spar on our awning.
It was obviously not going to get any better so thought I should do something about it. Yesterday I put that strong metal rod across the bottom strapped up with a few cable ties. In the night I was awoken four times with the noise of the flapping and the wind. So this morning I saw it was back down sagging again.
Strapped it again with lots of cable ties, as it was still windy, and got a large drill bit to go through where the break was. Hardly made a dent in the metal so used a small bit, as a pilot, then a slightly larger one, and then the large one. That worked and I put an equally large bolt through the hole with a nut that has a nylon insert which makes it a locking nut.
I've left the bar secured for now and I'll remove it when the weather calms down a bit.

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