
By AlrightFlower

Ticket to Ryde

A mucky morning today - not quite the lashing rain I expected but a sort of misty, drizzly-mizzly murk.

Nevertheless, I was up and on the bus at 9.30 to go to the country market in the Ventnor Baptist church. Which turned out to be two stalls - one selling home made food and plants, the other jewellery. Very nice stuff, but two stalls does not a market make!

So, off on the next bus to Blackgang Chine - a purely nostalgic visit; I came here with mum and dad, June and John (and maybe others?) years ago. We started going abroad when I was 9, so it's at least 30 years. I guess I was foolish to think (especially with my memory!) that I'd remember anything. Really I was looking for a giant teapot - I have a photo of me as a young child sitting astride it. Again, silly of me to think it'd still be here. The place itself looked tired and jaded (or is that just my eyes?) with paint flaking off the dinosaurs and strings and wires visible everywhere*. The few coachloads of kids seemed to be enjoying themselves though :-)

Another bus (shocker, I know) to Ryde, to make a pilgrimage to the original Liz Earle shop. I had a wander down the high street and along the Esplanade, then called into the Chocolate Apothecary. Had a lovely gingerbread latte and the best chocolate brownie I've ever had mmm.

It started brightening up on the bus back to Shanklin, but I was so tired by the time I got back to the hotel that I just crashed out on the bed for while. Had a bit of sit outside in the sunshine then, and a walk to the shop to get some tea. I've spent this evening watching telly (I could almost be at home lol) and packing to head off to Portsmouth in the morning.

I've had a lovely time here, it's been really nice and relaxing. There's quite a bit I haven't seen, but I've only had 3 full days, and it's surprising how long it takes to get anywhere on public transport!


* I suppose though it has been here for 170 years...

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