Lost dog day ...
Not one of my pooches .. Some strangers ..
Today I decided to go walk down the greenway for a change but then a sedate walk turned into a mini adventure as I came across quite a melee on the path .. I think there must have been 6 or so humans and at least 15 dogs as one of the people was a local dog walker ...anyway they were discussing a dog that was found by a lady and a huge discussion as what to do with it was in full swing ... So I googled 'dog warden' then phoned the wardens .. Dog warden was on holiday ... Pest control are called ... Man called Dave meets us in a car park (it sounds seedy) man called Dave hands me a mobile micro chip machine .. DOG IS MICRO CHIPPED ... Hurrahhhh also we had tried the phone number on the dog collar .. It was a home number which is silly as they were not home plus it was a Banbury number (I know my codes ) ANYWAY I say to Dave of pest control that I have to go and also the other lady said she must go too .. So I set off and then we spy what can only be described as a 'gaggle' of ladies running towards us .. I say to woman in the lead ' have you lost a dog' she says yes and catches Dave the pest man and dog and owner are reunited ... All this took an hour and I missed the end of Homes under the hammer... Plus I nicknamed lost dog Henry ...... You will never guess what the dog was called ... Yep Henry ... I am the dog whisperer ;)
I have a terrible headache ...
And this was the sky tonight when Tits and I went walking ..
And the cling film aloe Vera wrapping worked wonders last night !!! 4 cm off each thigh ... AND I got to run between our houses trussed up so I could carry on doing stuff in the hour it takes to be 'cooked' ....
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