Carpe diem

By EveryDayMatters

Dimbleby's World

Dimbleby's World

Love it, hate it, but we still watch it. Is this really Question Time, or is it a homily to certain media and political celebrities. This is rather a tedious way of modern 'bloodletting' or a sop to a sanitised form of public debate. Dimbleby Brothers Inc sum it up really. This tried and tested formula gives us the impression that we live in a truly democratic society with free speech. Watch how it gets all rather humerous and 'chummy' when deeper issues are debated. Watch how politicians are media trained to within an inch of their lives to rehearse party dogma. Watch how questions are never really answered. Watch how hypocritical our leaders can be. Just watch carefully.

We have the 'A' team this week with 'loveable Boris', a very dangerous man if ever there was one, balanced out with Russell Brand. This is the London 'in crowd'. At the end of the day, no questions will truly be answered, no action will truly be intended or taken, and no harm will be done.

When will the next generation of Dimblebys arrive to continue the dynasty? We already have the Snows.....

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