Clywed y newyddion da

Clywed y newyddion da ~ Hear the good news

I am become deaf, the destroyer of words”
― Robert Stoppenhearer

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Roedd rhaid i mi fynd i Fynnon Taf heddiw i ymweld â'r awdiolegydd i drio tynnu cwyr o'm clustiau. Mae'n daith fer, gyflym a hawdd r y bws - ac mae llawer o fysiau.

Mae Fynnon Taf yn edrych fel roedd e'n gweld amseroedd gwell. Mae llawer o leoedd yn edrych fel roedden nhw arfer busnesau a nawr maen nhw wedi cau. Mae llawer o siop trin gwallt, siop Co-op eithaf mawr a fferyllfa hefyd. Felly dim yn rhy ddrwg.

Mae'r swyddfa’r post yn parhau gyda'r 'traddodiad' o addurno'r blwch post. Yr amser hwn mae'n olygfa geni llawn gyda theulu sanctaidd, defaid, bugeiliaid a doethion. Maen nhw'n edrych fel maen nhw wedi dioddef yn y gwynt, ac yn bron cwympo oddi ar ymyl y byd.

Doedd y nyrs ddim yn llwyddiannus. Mae'r cwyr wedi gludo ei hun ar groen fy nghlustiau. Mae rhaid i mi eu trin gydag olew olewydd ac yn dychwel i Ffynnon Taf wythnos nesa. Gobeithio bydd newyddion da wedyn

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I had to go to Taff's Well today to visit the audiologist to try to remove wax from my ears. It's a short, quick and easy journey by bus - and there are many buses.

Taff's Well looks like it has seen better times. A lot of places look like they used to be businesses and now they've closed. There are many hairdressers, a fairly large Co-op store and a pharmacy as well. So not too bad.

The post office continues with the 'tradition' of decorating the post box. This time it is a full nativity scene with a holy family, sheep, shepherds and wise men. They look like they have suffered in the wind, and are almost falling off the edge of the world.

The nurse was not successful. The wax has stuck to the skin of my ears. I have to treat them with olive oil and return to Taff's Well next week. Hopefully there will be good news then.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Golygfa'r geni, ar flwch postio, Ffynnon Taf
Description (English): Nativity scene, on a postbox, Taff's Well

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