Amser dwbl

Amser dwbl ~ Double time

You should regard your home life as a golden opportunity to experience nowness, by taking an interest in all the details of your life. Interest is simply applying awareness to what goes on in your everyday life — awareness while you’re cooking, while you’re driving, while you’re changing diapers, even awareness while you’re arguing. Such awareness can help to free you from speed, chaos, neurosis and resentment. It can free you from the obstacles to nowness, so that you can cheer up on the spot, all the time.”
― Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche, (Shambhala: The Sacred Path of the Warrior)

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Un o'r eironi o fod wedi ymddeol yw bod dim byd yn gallu eich rhwystro rhag gweithio. Heddiw roeddwn i'n gweithio ar lyfr tan naw o'r gloch gyda'r nos. (Weithiau mae Nor'dzin yn gweithio tan ddau o'r gloch y bore...)

Mae'r gwahaniaeth wrth gwrs yw rydyn ni'n wirfoddolwyr ac rydyn ni'n gweithio oherwydd ein bod ni eisiau.  Rydyn ni'n eithaf brwdfrydig am gyhoeddi.

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One of the ironies of being retired is that nothing can stop you from working. Today I worked on a book until nine o'clock at night. (Sometimes Nor'dzin works until two in the morning...)

The difference is of course that we are volunteers and we work because we want to. We are quite enthusiastic about publishing.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Golau lleuad a golau tŷ, amlygiad dwbl
Description (English): Moon light and house light, double exposure

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