
By Annieone

'Surveilence ...........A Cat Has To Be Careful.!.

Kitty watching out the patio door ......
He knew hubby was getting out the hose...
And what that would mean!!!
so better to be safe than sorry or wet..............!
And there he stayed watching very closely as the watering went on and didn't leave 'til the hose was safely put away........!
Some more planting done tonight......with not so much help from Kitty...
I love the way some of you thought I PLANTED Kitty last night....
Noooooo......but I was tempted to......
But then I thought.....what if he grew and multiplied............
Nooooooooo.....I couldn't cope with more than ONE Kitty....!
On the eve of the Longest Day we've had another beautiful day and lovely evening.......hope weather has been kind to all my Blip friends too...
We enjoyed our visitors today too....another member off their family is doing a family tree And because of Mam's great age was hoping that she could fill in a few 'gaps' for we spent a lovely couple of hours going over old photos and really is very interesting.......!

Mam says to thank you all for your lovely birthday wishes.....
I haven't replied to everyone individually yet....but hope to get time to tomorrow...
Night all......
Annie & Kitty x x x

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