
I returned from a week away to find assorted bulbs had come into flower in frames and greenhouse.  Mild weather, especially after a cold snap, is a trigger for (too) early flowering.  Crocus especially tend to flop when they flower in the low light, dull, mild winter weather.   This one is still looking good and it's a very special one.  A chance hybrid that arose in my own collection from seed sown ten years ago.  I have just the one corm, this the first time it's made two flowers.  Maybe one year it will increase.  The seed came from Crocus sublimis which is purple flowered but I think the pollen must have come from a nearby Crocus cvijicii, a similar yellow flowered species.  It must have happened before somewhere but I don't know of anyone growing this hybrid.  

A day at home apart from a walk with Meg.  A day of rain.  Zero sunshine here.  Housework, unpacking, laundry this morning.  Then I've been working on the new talk which I might get finished this evening.   A quiet day.  Much needed.

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