Upstairs, Downstairs

A day devoted to making Harry and Rufus feel at home. 

Maddy and bf Harry (!) came late morning to meet them, and together we took Rufus for his first daytime walk that included getting a few things from Asda for a late lunch.  Then, not long after they'd gone home,  bro arrived, and stayed until after dinner.  Late evening and Rufus has gone in his crate to snooze and Harry - well as you can see, he went for the roof terrace option - while I binge watch QI. . 

Yesterday was quite a day, what with their arrival and my Blipversary of 4015,  and I thank everyone for viewing my journal and the kindness in your comments.  Now that Rufus and Harry are finally here, I'll be able to calm down and focus on catching up on what everyone else has been up to recently! 

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