
We had so much fun. 
My poor model was totally stressed when I showed up. Part of his costume was held together with duct tape. He understood that I had said the pictures would be dark and it wouldn’t show, but he is a teen and he was still stressed and he wanted it to be perfect. 
But then we started having fun and the pictures were awesome and he chilled out.
I bought a toy dragon - pictured - and a couple of the shots are them staring each other in the eyes. Toothless, the dragon, is completely black. 
We light painted fire, we light painted a red circle behind him, we did a gobo and gel. 

You can expect more pictures of Toothless. I’m pretty sure I’m going to want to light paint more with this toy. Then when I see the model again I’ll give him the toy because I think it goes well with his costume.

Or maybe he won’t want it because he’s 16. 

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