All Gone.
Weeks looking forward to Hayley and family coming for the New Year, and then sadly over and done with so quickly. They left today and are safely back in Manchester after 3 nights. So, a day of clearing away the decorations and washing bed sheets and towels and everything that goes with visitors with dogs, and children at a very wet time, children went swimming yesterday.
It all looks very bare, but also good and clear. I just wish it would stop raining.
We went on the muddiest walk this morning, poor Ali hated having to walk through a deep stream ..... I didn't enjoy it much as my wellies have a split in them, and I've been too tight to bin them! Wellies never last me long. They are binned now. Boo hoo.
Walking with a Spaniel is so very different from walking with a Pastoral breed. For those not into dogs and their breed traits, Spaniels are very 'flushing' and 'hunting' driven. Pastoral breeds like Ali are generally classed as 'velcro' dogs ..... ie, they don't leave your side. So Charlie, Hayley's dog was off and picking up scents. A bit scary, as when they get their 'Spaniel head' on, there's a slim chance of getting them back. Ali stayed close, and not a worry. I think I will stick with working, pastoral breeds!!!
I was about to blip a row of pegs ... Been dealing with a lot of those today. Then I noticed, and quite liked, the view at the end of our garden between the shed and garden room in the rain. Love the reflection from the house in the mirror. I've blipped it before, and have no doubt it will be blipped again.
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