The New Year

People were really thrilled to receive their 2024 calendars full of fitzbilly's prize winning images.  A limited edition of just 5 copies, 4 of which have gone overseas. Currently trying to palm the last one off to daughter#1.

Indian takeaway this evening.

Not sure where the day has gone really, but maybe that is partly explained by not waking up until 10 am!  We did have a late night. We didn't manage to catch any BBC Alba this year, we were outvoted and watched The Lancashire Hotpots instead until the fireworks came on.

Forgot to say yesterday that we caught mouse#45. Daughter#1 and the boys thought he was rather cute.

In other news after some pretty poor performances over Christmas Pompey managed to get a win today over one of the other promotion contenders. Still top of the table.

One year ago:

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