The only photo I got today, our export meter reading. I don't understand why the smart meter can't show this on our remote display, and send it to the supplier.
2001 - a mysterious artifact is uncovered on the moon. A bit like the mysterious artifact on my desk today, the 4TB USB hard disc I use for back ups. It seems to have died during my year end tidying up and archiving. It's about as useful as a door stop now.
I was going to pop down to the shop when the rain stopped, but then I realised Pompey were on Sky again. They somehow won 4-0 but it's a stressful watch. So no Wide Wednesday winter image I'm afraid.
We just had some nice fillet steak, and before that a WhatsApp video with daughter#2. She has been in her PJs all day! (update - extra added from her Insta!)
Happy New Year everyone.
One year ago:
The New Year
I did some 2025 calendars, it may become a tradition.
Pompey not quite top of the table this year, but still just outside the relegation zone.
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