
By Sonset25

Free Library

Happy New Year everyone.  Fingers crossed we sort out problems of 2023.

Mr went off with Quaker friends for the usual New Year's Day muddy walk and soup lunch.   

I made a pasta sauce and took the hound for his two walks.

Was late getting to sleep last night.  Sadly not revelling but stayed with hound so he wasn't disturbed.  I drowned out the bangs with the dehumidifier and my table on watching a film.  It seemed to work at keeping the hound asleep.   The long walk in the morning may have contributed to a good sleep.   

Unlike Murray, my previous greyhound, Kyro seems relatively unperturbed by fireworks.  He doesn't like them when he's outside.  I hope he doesn't alter into a quivering, trembling,  panting, pacing, stressed dog as time goes on.

This is one of the free libraries we encounter on our walks.  I picked up a Matt Haig novel from the free library in our street.  

Early night tonight, I'm beat.

Pleasant evening everyone

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