Went out to Where the wild things are this morning

A great way to start the new year!  This morning our son left early on the train to go to Seattle for the day to cover the Winter Classic, he had a press pass.  I decided to head to the wildlife refuge.  I came across two different coyotes and two Great horned owls (in Extra Photos) The owls are not a great photo, they were to far up in the tree and really hidden in the branches, but fun to see them.  There were three immature bald eagles way out in the wetlands eating some kind of water fowl.  They were so far out I put on the 1.4 mm extender, I don't really like using the extender, but I was having a difficult time focusing with the distance and fog.  Suddenly two adult bald eagles swooped in to take over the meal.  It was pretty exciting and happened really fast.  My favorite shot is in the extra photos, where one bald eagle knocked the other bald eagle over in the fight for the meal, but it's not quite in perfect focus. 

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