You'll remember a place

New Year's Day past consisted of me getting out of bed and through to the living room flopping on the couch and drinking lemonade and nibbling from the bowls of crisps and nuts that had been left out from the night before.  

Hogmanay was first footing.  Dad would first foot Daw Daw Upstairs, maybe wander along the road to The Dorbys,  Check any lights on in the street and pop in with his bag full of spirits, a few cans of beer and maybe some shortbread. 

Then it would be back to the house to see if any neighbours had called into our house, and a few more drinks would be had and then everyone would be off to bed. 

These days - into bed as quickly as I can get.

Today, Tooli and I had a walk.  Double circuit round the town, and then home.  I chopped up the brussels we picked up yesterday.   Hard to believe that i never used to eat them.    I love them now - and these ones.  Extra special because I grew them myself. 


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