Happy 2024 to you all...

Thank you for being YOU... I'm not the greatest of blipping every day, nor visiting your blips every day but I so appreciate you all being about xxx

I got out to capture the Sunrise on 1st January 2024... I arrived at 4am to wait it out... It rained on and off and was very gloomy then there was a break and this image was captured at 4:41am Sunrise was to be at 4:55am but at that time the clouds had returned and a storm was rolling in...

I was home at 5:15am to get ready for New Year's day parkrun at Sandgate... It had rained so much overnight that 2 nearby parkruns had to be cancelled due to flooding... This is our home parkrun and it was announced about my dedication to volunteering to complete 52 in 2023 after completing 50 in 2023... 349 participants set off dry but they all returned very wet... Everyone was still happy and pleased they'd done the first parkrun for the year... I was barcode scanner and I received lots of Congratulations and Thanks while doing my roll... Then it was home to get dry and a quiet day...

I actually never saw the sun at all on the 1st as the clouds and rain had settled in...

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