Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

Caerketton Hill

A bright start to the new year, month and week. A quiet morning doing some photo editing, browsing and reading.

After lunch, partner and I walk up to Swanston, but a bit higher up than usual to get views from a slightly different aspect. Swanston itself was quite busy. On the way up, we pass the T-Wood, extra shows the north section from the side. A bit further up, Extra 2looksdown towards Swanston. I presume the Exmoor ponies who live here also like the view. The main blip was taken at the top of this trail, still not at the top of the hill though, looking back towards. On the way down the trail, one of the Highland Coos, Extra 3, that roam the hillside walked alongside me for a bit, obviously looking for fresh grass. It is along way from the rest of the Coos here, who are grazing nearer Caerketton Hill. On the way back, we pass the Swanston Farm's herd of goats, Extra 4, enjoying a late lunch.

Another quiet evening, neither twin has returned home yet. Not that we see them much anyway when they are home.

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