Sprout lover

By robharris35


41, Jesus. Does life begin at 40? It seems to have continued in much a similar vein.

In general the gods were smiling on me today:
•early morning light in Morogoro and the backdrop of the Uluguru Mountains
•back in the office colleagues surprised me with cake and some birthday singing, which I hadn’t expected (the cake had ‘we wish you less deadlines’ written in icing)
•someone confirmed that ‘in Tanzania 41-year olds are more old’, which was kind but it flies in the face of the well-known (and true) ‘black don’t crack’ phenomenon
•I was added to the Mozambique office’s WhatsApp group after 19 months of pestering
•one of our torturous risk management processes went more smoothly than normal

Roll on the 42nd year.

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