
By Woolley

Christmas present

Emergency blip! This is my Christmas present from Sian and Ian which is very beautifully wrapped and smells delightful. I will be taking some away with me tomorrow when I go to HPB Duloe Manor! Looking forward to 9 days away in cornwall! Being joined by various friends at various times which will be interesting and there is a small indoor pool and a steam room and sauna which will be made good use of. Thankfully the weather is getting colder but less wet at the weekend so that will be a joy! Went to see Richard in his new place of residence where they will be assessing him to see what his needs are! It is more difficult for me to get there but a friend gave me a lift today and came in with me which was a real help. He was bright and taking today and the home itself seems much brighter and lighter and he has a better room and his own toilet. However he is on the dementia wing even though he hasn’t got dementia. His reduction of medication has made him much more alert and responsive and it makes me very sad that this was something his wife was always asking for and they always said it was too difficult to do. I was very grateful to Jane for coming with me and we prayed before we went in and with him when we left. Hopefully he will maintain some progress now!

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