The Lyceum

It rained, what a terrible day.  TT started a jigsaw we had borrowed from friends ages ago.  I wasn’t sure it was the best idea, as the light was terrible.  I left him to it.  I mostly read my book. 
We drove into Edinburgh in the early afternoon, by which time the rain had stopped and it was even brightening up.   We went to an Indian place we discovered a few months back, for a late lunch/early tea.  BB loved it, as we knew he would.  It’s meant to be about sharing, but he was definitely not for sharing!  We then went for a little wander before heading to The Lyceum to watch The Snow Queen. 
As ever it was an excellent production, however we three were all agreed there was too much singing – making it feel more like a musical.  None of us are into musicals.  I did like the changing accents as they moved further north though.  All in all another great performance.  I haven’t mentioned the unicorn, he brought a pantomime element to proceedings.   When we emerged, we were glad we had brought the car, rather than having to wait on the bus home.
Given my lack of steps today, I went for a walk in the dark when we got home and the river was very high.
This is The Lyceum.  The extra is the lightshow at the Johnnie Walker experience which we wandered past. The second extra was taken down at the river tonight.

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