
By FlyingPRGal

Air Fryer Excitement

Drove up to Hertfordshire this morning to visit auntie K and uncle G and a few of my cousins. Auntie K served up homemade soup, sausage rolls and homemade cranberry sauce and we caught up on family news.

Cousin M was installing a tropical fish tank for Unk G and we had a good catch up about his paramedic work and my ‘not very busy’ film work and when I’m planning to get flying again (pipe dream right now). Unk G kindly offered me a spare telly from the old house as mine is playing up. Back to collect tomorrow once I’ve checked measurements with dad on if it’ll fit my tv stand.

Spent the evening at my cousin C’s and there was much excitement at the new air fryer. Delicious sea bass and veg for supper followed by a movie. The Genie again but I enjoyed it just as much a second time.

Afterwards the kids B and B insisted on a game so we played ‘Escape from the Movie Studio’. It made my brain ache but I couldn’t complain as I’d bought the game. Cousin B (age 11) and P (cousin C’s hubby) were the best at the maths equations and I got the word ones easily. Cousin C was in her words hopeless but we had a giggle.

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