
By FlyingPRGal

Ziggy the Woof

Coffee and chat this morning with Cousin C about exercise (she’s a PT) and she told me how to improve my swimming with yoga and weights. Must get motivated in the New Year.

Popped back to Unk G and Auntie K’s for cuppa and to collect the telly. I was greeted with licks and a waggy tail from Ziggy the woofer then Auntie K and I had tea and a long chat.

Unk has been poorly this year with heart problems and radiotherapy. Worrying time for her and hoping surgery will go ahead soon. It’s hard seeing my Unk sleeping on his chair when I’m used to him being so active. I think Auntie K needed the chat.

More homemade soup another catch up with cousin M as he continued fitting the aquarium electrics. Then we carried the telly out to my car.

Journey home wasn’t too bad. Stopped at Bluewater to go to the opticians to get some specs frames adjusted then to Waterstones to buy a book for dad’s and a friend’s birthday. Made a swift exit out of the mall it was heaving. Traffic heavy leaving too.

I was glad to get home, unpack and have a quiet evening to myself watching Call the Midwife Christmas Special. Satisfying to see the snow scenes looked good as I remember getting drenched on the day when the crew cleared up the snow set at the Dockyard back in May!

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