
By FlyingPRGal

Sid the Cat

Started the day with a nurse check up to follow up from the breast clinic a few weeks ago. Asthma check too and blood pressure. A student nurse was watching so didn’t help my reading.

I checked my result with my Cousin C who is a PT. She said I have nothing to worry about and my resting BPM was good. It should improve when I up the exercise again too.

Lunchtime coffee with Clare and Polly at Bloomsburys and Sid the Cat joined us too! Nice to hear the girls Christmases were uneventful and without drama.

This afternoon I should have been finishing my tax return but my friend DB arrived for an impromptu cuppa on his way home from a day fixing things in the aircraft hangar. DB took a look at my TV set up and couldn’t see any issues with how I’d done it. He suggested it was most likely an issue with the aerial.

Feeling really tired and not inspired to do my tax return so catching up on Blips this evening instead!

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