
By FlyingPRGal

New Telly

Drove home today - tentatively - as the winds were still strong. Epic mission unloading the car and lugging my bags up the stairs. Immediately unpacked, tidied presents away and filled the fridge up with a few groceries purchased at M&S garage on the way home.

Set up the new telly and was delighted it fitted on the stand (just). Streaming channels work via the Firestick but no signal on the aerial for normal tv. I plugged it all in the same as the old telly so wonder if there’s a problem with the aerial booster.

Messaged Unk G to thank him and he was thrilled it all worked. Dad gave me advice on retuning which I couldn’t follow, got cross then gave up.

Made myself a winter salad with Stilton and chicken then watched the start of a new series on Netflix Fool Me Once based on a Harlan Cobden novel (good so far). Fell asleep halfway through an episode… it’s been a tiring Christmas.

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