Carol's ramblings

By Lucari

Back to routine

Boys back to school today, so my duties to pick them up.
They wanted to play the marble run, had great fun with it but it’s a bit precarious and Austin in his excitement kept accidentally knocking it over.  

Caleb is moving to a different school on Monday, Austin doesn’t start there until after half term, so I need to split in two for the two days I take to school and the one pick up.  Boys excited about going to another school - going from blue jumper school to green jumper school.   I’m sure it will be fine, only for 6 weeks.  Watch this space.  

Went into work this morning, picked up a new laptop.  Had a little chuckle at the coffee machine with all the IOU’s (see extra) - society has changed us, people don’t carry cash around it’s all tap it out.  They may need to think of another payment system …….  Every time I go into work there seems to be more people I don’t know, everyone is always so busy and I feel guilty taking them away from their work to “chat” or even say “hello”.  Perhaps I’m naturally being drawn to full time retirement.


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