High up

Slept badly, no idea why.  One thing about birthdays now is you get congratulations from all kinds of organisations and some give free gifts, so it was up to Uroot first thing to add my birthday gift to my massage, booked for tomorrow, not today!  And had my first nasi lemak of the trip at the Nonya Box on the way home.

Then to HK as Amelia 'not well', mmm.  But also because the AC engineer was coming.  Tried to get Amelia to do some reading practice but she declined, and in her own inimitable way, forcefully.  I managed to lure her from her bed by getting the Duolingo app running and she did that for ages.  It si some practice.

In anticipation  I'd taken my laptop and started the Singapore trip photobook, a year late but who's counting.  

Later we had a swim, after a huge storm and then #1 son made carbonara for dinner, just the 4 of us.  I came home after that to more French Netflix but with English audio this time so I could multi task.

I am the second level from top, the two windows to the right hand side of the middle block of windows.  Very high!

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