Step Cautiously

By alixmarie11

You Spin My Head Right 'Round

A day that was supposed to be boring and was supposed to consist of me sitting by the computer watching Netflix turned into a full fledged adventure/scavenger hunt.

This morning I woke up way too hungover for my own good zoom in on $50 bar tab. After fighting the urge to stay in bed all day, I jumped down and showered away the alcohol and glitter.

Because my school is redoing the building I basically live in, my co-workers and I went on an adventure to find a record player in the depths of the basement. I was then thrown into a tiny crawl space behind some racks and into the mustiest and murkiest room in Lowell Thomas. Without light, I felt my way around, hoping to develop heightened cat-like senses that would help me see in the dark. My friend Chris finally came to the rescue with his phone and we all had a grand old time in the tiny crawl space underneath the building.

Anyway, after that, we found a stock pile of boxes filled with old vinyls. One-by-one, we went through them and set up the record player in the office with a sick pair of speakers. We just started playing the old '80s music we claimed as our treasures and our boss came out of her office screaming the lyrics scaring all of us, but entertaining us all the same.

I work with the most amazing people in the world.

"I'm freakin out, freakin out."

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