
It's been years since I saw waxwings. There have been reports of some in Lincoln for the past few days, and today Brian decided he would take a detour to look at/photograph them on his way back from doing the banking for work. I asked him to take another small detour to pick me up on his way to the bank, and went along for the ride.

We eventually found the site where they are, on a housing estate to the West of the city and were lucky enough to see a couple feasting on berries. They are such pretty birds, not particularly rare. They are a winter visitor to the UK when berries are in short supply closer to their breeding grounds in Fennoscandia and Western Russia. They do not tend to breed here.

It must be strange for the people living around the area, having several people with cameras on their doorstep - almost like being famous! 

Otherwise I have done a couple of loads of laundry. Well, the washing machine has! It's not like I had to take them down to the river and scrub them on the stones. Just as well, they would come out muckier, especially with the state the river is in currently. 

My Gran on Dad's side had a dolly-tub out in a shed and I actually don't know how my other Gran managed, living in a caravan! I think she had a similar tub outside. My Mum had a twin-tub, as did I when I was first married. That was hard enough work. When I was a kid we had an old fashioned mangle which I loved messing about with, until I managed to mangle my hand!

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