Cold spell continues

I've been really tired today after yesterday, It was such a long day.

And we still try to survive the cold and now the sky high electricity price. We've been told to cut down usage. I'm alone home, so for me it's very easy. Sit with one light and do puzzle. But when I walked outside it looked like people we still living normally with all the lights on. Well, you can't really save much with cutting down the lights, but if we all did that, it would amount to something.

Today has been the coldest day so far. Buddha went to our backyard this morning. (i follow him from the window to be safe.) i saw that he started to lift his paws and he stopped moving and kind of curled while standing. I had to go outside, pick him up and bring him in. He just stopped moving. And he was about 4 meters from the door. Like really close and even when I  told him to move, he just couldn't. Scary. And that happened twice.

I only took him out walking this evening. And as soon as he did his bigger deposit, we came back. I think we were outside about 7 minutes with all the clothes on. And his boots. First one dropped after 300 meters and very soon another one. When we came home I realized one more boot had fallen and I had to go outside to look for it. Luckily I found it quite quickly. The falling boots buy us some time at least, as the paws freeze quickly.

How high is the price for electricity tomorrow you ask? The most expensive hour is over 2 € per Kilowatt. 2€. Insane. And horrible.

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