Shock - HORROR.

       I was, unusually for me, wandering loose about town; finally accomplishing most of what I set out to do.
       One of the tasks was a snack made by the famous A. N. Other.  Another was a visit to the Bank.
       Disregard Building Societies for the moment and you could say our "Banking Quarter" is the town centre and, if you stood at the foot of the Monument and walked around its base you could clearly see three of the four Banks and the end wall of the fourth.
       Once upon a time we had a T. S. B. which, for a while, became a second LLOYDS Bank.  Now it's yet another slightly posh Eatery.
       The question immediately arrises - To go or not to go, that is the question.  I freely confess I did indulge in online Banking - BUT - frequently use the Hole in the Wall AND have been over the doorstep 3-4 times in the year.
       Does it LOOK like it's not needed? There were three of us out of shot with another in a side (small 1:1 conference) room.
       They also appear to be, almost, running 1:1 courses on Phone Banking &/or using the Post Office; I noted that "her name" from the Post Office would be coming to give a talk on using P O for Banking when physical presence necessary.
       I've just turned the page on the hand-out I got, I see Kendal and Carlisle are, currently, safe; how long until Kendal's gonwent?

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