
Plenty of birds came to feed at the newly-cleaned feeders today including, unusually, a flock of starlings. However, the sight that pleased me most as I looked out of our family room window was a partial glimpse of a bird with a white flash over its eye. That was enough to tell me that it was a redwing and I grabbed my camera and rushed to Smithers’ study, which is the nearest vantage point to the ancient holly tree at the end of the garden, so beloved of the redwings. Sure enough, it had flown over to it and was helping itself to many tasty morsels. This heavily-cropped photo shows it mid-bite. We still haven’t had them arrive en masse, but it’s good to know they haven’t lost their navigational skills.

Thank you so much to all my lovely Blip friends for the stars, hearts and comments for my Mum’s cross stitch picture on my 2nd Blip birthday yesterday. Actually, I thought the 730th blip was happening today, so that just shows I wasn’t paying attention! 

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