Yesterday's cake

For some reason, my delight at blipping slipped from my mind and I have therefore found myself resorting to a cake picture from Ottawacker Jr.'s early birthday party (kids from 'da hood), which took place yesterday and cannot, under any circumstances, be confused with this late birthday party (a week on Saturday), which is for those who prefer soccer. So there you are.

Today continued in much the same vein as the rest of the week. Me working on some editing for Massey Uni; Ottawacker Jr. at a soccer camp, then heading off to LG's for some more football-related stuff; Mrs. Ottawacker heading out for coffee, coming back laden with homemade soup, etc. etc.

So I cooked a stir-fry pork, waited wistfully at the window for the wanderers to return, poured myself a large Ricard, and reminded myself that in 2 weeks, I'll be back in Europe.

When the wanderers DID return, neither of them wanted the pork. One had eaten so many crisps and other stuff that he felt sick and had to go to bed; the other said very little, but had a suspiciously dark - some might say chocolate coloured - smudge on her upper lip... 

So I opened a bottle of wine and sulked. 

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