
By TheOttawacker

Stepping back into a routine I’d never left

A rather relaxed Saturday morning, as there was no football until 10am, which I count as a civilised hour at which to watch one’s son throw himself at speeding balls. Following the rather successful tournament of last weekend, there was a certain confidence in the U14 team, which ended up predictably with them getting their arses handed to them on a plate. Always the way… never rest on your laurels. Ottawa City Blue were not necessarily the better side – and the 5-2 scoreline might have flattered them a bit – but if you don’t defend, you concede goals, and if you don’t score when you have four open goals in front of you, there is a good chance you won’t win. Ottawacker Jr. might have been at fault for one of them, but he wasn’t the reason they lost, which is always good.
Mrs. Ottawacker took him to his U13 practice out in Blackburn Hamlet in the afternoon. I had a call with the club’s goalkeeping coach John Foulds, who is an excellent human being and a very good coach. There had been the usual snafu with the club’s organisation of the goalie training this winter, which ended up with Ottawacker Jr. not training with the goalies. JF was incredibly apologetic, which he didn’t need to be, it wasn’t his fault, and then proceeded to be very complimentary about Ottawacker Jr.

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