
By MerrilHope

The Longest Day

Summer Solstice - the longest day of the year and I can certainly vouch for that! Last official day for students - Finals review day - and as expected, very few of them came. Colleagues and I spent the whole day clearing out the Art studios, stacking and storing supplies for the summer and generating an unbelievable amount of rubbish. Summer Camp counsellors all came to help as well, thanks guys. So tired and hot and sticky and uncomfortable when I got home that I fell asleep on the sofa for a couple hours making it too late to go to Erin's summer solstice barbecue.

Meanwhile these organic strawberries were removed from the fridge by my cleaning lady. A symbol of summer and in this case, of something that is finished, their weird appearance seemed to me to be a more interesting visual comment on my day than the photos taken earlier of multiple bags of rubbish. Very very ready for a peaceful weekend.

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