A successful day (Day 3162)

A later start than normal meant it was almost light when I ventured out with Sigyn for the morning wander. It was raining as we left the house, but the rain stopped after a couple of minutes and we didn't get too wet.
A bit later my beautiful wife got ourselves organised and headed to Stromness. We left Sigyn with Mum and Dad while we visited a furniture shop on a mission to find a new couch. We managed to find an absolute bargain which will suit us perfectly, and we were back to Mum's for coffee within half an hour.
Next up a wander at the shore with Sigyn, and she managed to avoid getting hideously muddy.
After lunch with Mum and Dad, HV got out a ride on George and Red. Despite the very wet ground, we managed a couple of canters and got ourselves moving enough to warm up despite the cold wind.
The rain was good enough to hold off until we got in the car to head back to Mum and Dad's for our delayed New Year dinner.

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