
I decided to put some bits on eBay including this box of mixed threads.  Most inherited from MIL’s sewing box.  However they are not brilliant quality and kept breaking when I tried to wind some in a bobbin (on my new machine).  I have decided that to avoid frustration and broken thread its quality thread from now on.

Mixed day starting with visit to MIL house the sale of  which completes next week.  Last sort out in the garden and I collected a few ceramic pots which were then washed and stored in the greenhouse.  No,1 or 2 might want them for houseplants?

Home for breakfast and shower then trip into town to buy ‘proper’ thread ( see above).  Message from No,1 to say they were on their way back from Eastbourne.  Lovely to see her but always a sad reminder of everything she is battling (still with a smile and amazing stoicism).  All things will pass but please, please, please make it soon that she feels better and her life can get back to normal.  Some of my 4.00am prayers have been. answered and I just need faith that the BIG one will be too.

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