Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching


I bought these keys for TSM for Christmas. She found them in a shop we go to regularly which sells weird shit, The Packhouse near Farnham. 

We went to see One Life, the biopic of Nicholas Winton at the cinema this afternoon. I really enjoyed it and cried at the end. It’s a powerful and moving story although the Guardian thought it was pedestrian. Actually that was the bit I liked the most; he wasn’t a gun toting hero, just an ordinary person who stuck at the job of getting things done, harassing bureaucrats, and fundraising. There are now several thousand people on this earth who wouldn’t have been here but for the team he led. There will be a fuller review on my podcast this week.

I managed to finish off a piece I have been writing about the personalities of different domestic appliances which will also be part of the podcast. Otherwise it was a domestic day. But colder. You can feel the chill.

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