
By Fiorghra

Midsummer Magic

Today is the Summer Solstice and I celebrated first by spending much of the day out of doors in the sunshine, exploring the woods behind our house. I met a chipmunk who I named Lucy ... and watched cardinals, bluejays, sparrows, mockingbirds, American robins, and mourning doves. The wind was in the trees, but the humidity was low. Truly a perfect day.

Then I set myself up a meditative bath with sea salt, chamomile heads, lavender, and marigold petals ... and additionally put in a cup of whole milk with 4 drops each of lavender, chamomile, red mandarin, orange, and clary sage essential oils. I lit a bunch of tea lights, got out some sea shells, put on some oceanic music, and then had a long soak in the hot silky herb-filled water. The smell was heavenly and I remembered just how wonderful baths like this can be for the mind, body and spirit.

You see, it's not only the Summer Solstice but also a Full Moon. Water and fire, the perfect alchemical marriage!

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