Swooshing home Monday afternoon (main blip)
Earlier, I had pedalled away from lovely Ms.Arell's abode and rolled into Edinburgh to snap some pics before boarding the train. It was a bit chilly though so not too many were captured (Backblip reserves!) instead warming my hands on a coffee and having a bite to eat before the HashtagFun started ;-P
The journey was amazing. I love train journeys like this and with an almost empty carriage there were some awesome views wooshing past on either side! Extra 1 is looking out as the train snakes it's way down the Lune Valley south of Tebay. It's a dramatic view descending through here for a few miles whatever your transport mode but especially so at 125mph at full tilt onboard a Pendolino. Love it :-D
There was an unwanted Ooh Ma Gerd moment at Warrington where I almost didn't get off due to the cycle storage area door from the passenger cabin not getting unlocked. A quick thinking fellow passenger pressed the emergency switch just in time which set an alarm off...much drama...but at least an extra 'who knows how many miles' were avoided as my car was sitting patiently in the parking area!
Remaining unsure what went wrong, an email has been sent to Avanti, the train company, for an answer. It would be fab to make the journey again with the ebike as it worked really well otherwise so if it wasn't due to an errant train manager & your Gal didn't follow the correct procedure then she needs to know for future reference :-D
Treasure spending time with lovely bestie. With the distance between, hanging out together is rare, precious & a privilege <3
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