TaTs - dawg & stuff

By tinksandtonks

09/01/2024_work colleague

Dropped the car off at the garage at 8am for the problem I blipped on 4th.

The walk back with Kassie was a little cold – luckily it was only just over ½ mile.

Then it was time to work – I had asked for some data and yes, I got my data in an excel spreadsheet. 
My mistake was opening it to use it and freaking out when I realised it ran to 76,000 rows and a mere 30 columns.

Meanwhile Kassie supervised surrounded by toys.

I picked the car up 3:30 (the walk with Kassie was just as cold).

The diagnostic computer test and resetting the emission parameters wasn’t as much as I expected …and yes, the petrol cap had to be drilled off!

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