Oil delivery

The gates were open when Mr PP left early to go target-shooting, which was handy as the oil delivery came two weeks sooner than we expected! The lorry is across the drive, which is foreshortened in this picture. My hyacinths are strapped into a vaguely upright position, while leaning their heads on the kitchen window pane. Just beyond them you can see a great tit and a blue tit on the nuts.

When I photograph birds feeding, my feeders always look nearly empty. This is owing to all the rain we've had recently. I top them up frequently, but tend not to fill the feeders or the contents rot in the rain. This week of frost and sunshine, I could risk filling them a little higher.

I spent much of the day doing domestic jobs, including a wash. Despite the cold north wind, the washing did benefit from a few hours outdoors before coming indoors to finish off next to the dehumidifier. 

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