59 F/ 15 C

It's a winter day
in Yuma. So, the birds are
trying to keep warm


It was a chilly 4 C /39 F this morning at 7 when I was having my first coffee. Thankfully, I had turned up the heat before going to bed, so my kitchen was comfortable when I got up today. 

It is a day in pajamas for me. I poked my head out the back door at 9:30 to go birding in my back yard. It was rather quiet in the neighbourhood. The birds aren't very active when it's chilly. 

I followed a mourning dove around. It seemed to want to find a safe place in the sun to warm up. It tried a couple of perches up in the air but eventually snuggled into my orange tree and looked back at me. 

I always have to admire my lovely lantana that blooms along my Mexican brick wall. 

I'm busy with my quilt project today. I will enjoy sitting at my sewing machine in the front window catching the sun. I've had the old Inspector Alleyn mysteries on to hold my interest. 

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