Now we have everything

By Gembop

Hmm cucumber and toast

Toast definitely won out of the two! It was his first taste of both and he gave them a good suck but it was the toast that seemed to disappear. He had them after some porridge. I've learnt to give him the porridge first otherwise he'd be too impatient to play with finger food. He actually shakes in desperate anticipation for a bowl.

Charlie answered my prayers last night by not waking at all until 6:30am! We're both feeling run down and rubbish today so clearly needed the extra sleep. I don't know if it's a cold or hay fever but with it raining outside and the car being delivered at some point today we figured we'd stay home. We had a lovely day just camped out in the playroom. Charlie doesn't stop moving. He rolls from one end of his mats to the other. He just picks a target and goes for it!

My sister FaceTimed us in the afternoon (why have we never done that before?) and Charlie got to say hello to my mum, dad, sister, nephew and my niece as she's staying there for the weekend.

Then the car arrived looking brand spanking new. Thank goodness for insurance as the driver said the fixes were probably £1500-£2000! Whoops :(

Robin took it for a test drive to Ikea after work as I wanted to replace our very large puffy (part of the corner sofa) for a more reasonably sized coffee table.

We also for some bad news in the afternoon. Robin's mum had to put her 12 year old poodle, Niven, to sleep as he had kidney failure. I remember when we put our dogs down. It's heartbreaking :( I sent her a picture of Charlie in front of a message sending her lots of love and hugs. He was a lovely dog.

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