Yn ysbrydoli gan yr hen gamera

Yn ysbrydoli gan yr hen gamera ~ Inspired by the old camera

“It is pleasing therefore to be able to look without reserve at the creation of images, in which scientific discovery and invention, together with artistic inspiration, have combined to record permanently the fleeting instant, the seen and the unseen worlds, against a background of space, dimension, time and human society.”
― Arthur Birch, (Introduction, Images : illusion and reality, Australian Academy of Science, 1986,  ISBN 0-85847-131-0)

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Es i i'r pentref heddiw. Roedd hi'n fy nhaith siopa cyntaf go iawn ers Nadolig. Ymwelais i ddim ond ag Iechyd Da, oherwydd roedd y tywydd yn rhewi.  Doeddwn i ddim eisiau aros tu allan am rhy hir.

Ces i sgwrs gydag Alwen a'i chydweithiwr am yr enwau am brydau. Dydw i erioed wedi bod yn siŵr am yr enwau am brydau yn Gymraeg, felly roedd e'n dda i ofyn pobl sy wedi bod yn siarad Cymraeg ar hyd eu hoes.

Roeddwn i'n ddiddordeb bod yr atebion yn wahanol yn dibynnu ar le mae pobl yn fyw. Mewn rhai lleoedd (yn y gogledd rydw i'n meddwl) maen nhw'n cael 'brecwast', 'cinio' a 'swper', ond mewn lleoedd eraill (yn y dde efallai) maen nhw'n cael 'brecwast, 'cinio' a 'te'. Weithiau maen posib i gael 'brecwast, 'cinio', 'te' a 'swper', yn arbennig pryd mae gwestai arbennig yn dod yn y prynhawn.

O leiaf maen nhw'n sicr bod y pryd hanner dydd yw 'cinio', felly mae hynny'n ddefnyddiol. Mae llawer i fi dysgu ac mae'n dda i fod yn gallu gofyn cwestiynau fel hyn mewn siop yn y pentref.

Er gwaetha’r tywydd oer, gwnes i ffeindio'r amser crwydro o gwmpas y fynwent i dynnu ffotograffau, yn arbennig gyda'r Kodak Brownie.

Mae'n ddiddorol i edrych trwy'r ffenestr o gamera cyntefig. Dim lens glosio, dim ffocws, dim ond ychydig o ffenestr, ac yn cerdded yn nes ac ymhellach i ffwrdd, ac yn gobeithio bydd popeth yn gweithio. Mewn rhai ffyrdd mae'n ymlacied oherwydd nid oes dim i chwarae ag ef, dim ond botwm i'w wasgu. Wrth gwrs dydw i ddim yn mynd i weld y canlyniadau am wythnosau, neu fisoedd. Mae rhaid i mi orffen y ffilm ac yn ei anfon i fod yn prosesu.

Yn y cyfamser tynnais i ffotograffau gyda fy ffôn mewn du a gwyn, yn ysbrydoli gan yr hen gamera.

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I went to the village today. It was my first real shopping trip since Christmas. I only visited Iechyd Da, because the weather was freezing. I didn't want to stay outside too long.

I had a conversation with Alwen and her colleague about the names for meals. I've never been sure about the names for meals in Welsh, so it was good to ask people who have been speaking Welsh all their lives.

I was interested that the answers are different depending on where people live. In some places (in the north I think) they have 'brecwast', 'cinio' and 'swper', but in other places (perhaps in the south) they have 'brecwast, 'cinio' and 'te'. Sometimes it is possible to have 'brecwast, 'cinio', 'te' and 'swper', especially when a special guest comes in the afternoon.

At least they are sure that the midday meal is 'cinio', so that is useful. I have a lot to learn and it's good to be able to ask questions like this in a shop in the village.

Despite the cold weather, I found the time to wander around the cemetery to take photographs, especially with the Kodak Brownie.

It is interesting to look through the window of a primitive camera. No zoom lens, no focus, just a little window, and walking closer and further away, and hoping everything will work. In some ways it's relaxing because there's nothing to play with, just a button to press. Of course I'm not going to see the results for weeks, or months. I have to finish the film and send it to be processed.

In the meantime I took photographs with my phone in black and white, inspired by the old camera.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Rhes o feddau yn y fynwent
Description (English): A row of graves in the cemetery

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